Envision provides a solution-based end-to-end project management platform for large-scale Civil Infrastructure, Industrial, Energy and Resources, and Construction projects globally. The organisation provides not only the software as a service but the training, success delivery, on-site troubleshooting and support to ensure their clients utilise their platform to its maximum capacity without downtime. Their continued support throughout a project’s life cycle has positioned Envision as not only an industry leader but an essential and highly valued partner to their clients. Since formation, almost ten years ago, Envision has supported over 270 projects in Australia and Asia, helping to deliver over $20bn of essential infrastructure that has directly supported economic growth and commercial development.
With the growth of Envision, both domestically and internationally at a rate of 70% in 2018 and projected 100% in 2019, they wanted to review their current operational needs to ensure that they had the foundations in place from which to achieve successful outcomes.
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