Business 360 – Strategic HR Consultants

Streamlining HR and Safety Compliance for Better Functioning Workplaces

  • Reduce complexity and stay ahead of HR and WHS regulations

  • Implement practices for a safer, more productive workplace

  • Identify and address workplace issues early


Providing employers certainty in their employment and safety practices

Business Network meetings

Workplace Advisory

Workplace health is more than compliance. A risk strategy boosts resilience, efficiency, & overall performance.

HR Services | Business 360

HR Services

Tailored Outsourced Human Resources Solutions and Support for Employers

HR Services | Business 360

WHS Services

Tailored Work Health & Safety Support for your Business to be Compliant with SafeWork regulators

Business 360 Coach

Management Workshops and Learning Pathways. Practical Skills for Key Personnel

Equipping Managers, Enhancing Workplaces and Lowering Risk

At Business 360, we understand the challenges busy managers face with employee relations and compliance.

Our comprehensive support helps you tackle employee-related issues, enhance team performance, and implement the latest workplace policies and procedures.

Simplifying Compliance, Maximising Engagement

  • Custom Compliance Solutions: We simplify the complexities of HR and workplace safety, tailoring solutions to address specific vulnerabilities within your organisation. This ensures compliance with Fair Work Australia and Safe Work Australia and enhances workplace culture.
  • Proactive Performance Management: Our support extends beyond mere advice and templates. We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive guidance, clear processes, and creating tailored documents to enhance employee engagement and operational efficiency.

Business 360 Performance and Productivity Model

Structured Operational Excellence: Misalignments in operational practices can lead to significant challenges. Our model focuses on aligning staff with your business objectives and improving profitability, agility, and workplace cohesion.

The Challenges for Managers in 2024

Adapting to New Workplace Laws

  • Psychosocial Well-being: In response to evolving workplace laws, our strategies include maintaining psychosocial health, addressing factors that contribute to stress, and preventing psychological risks.
  • Sex-Based Discrimination: We ensure your policies are robust against sex-based discrimination, harassment and other forms of poor conduct, supporting a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.
  • Fair Performance Management: Our approach respects the nuances of managing performance equitably, especially when disclosed psychosocial issues might affect procedural fairness processes.
  • Positive Duty Legislation: With the introduction of legislation requiring proactive and preventative measures in workplace conduct and safety, we guide you to establish the necessary approach and systems, reducing the risk of personal liability and fostering a compliant work environment.
  • Wage Theft and Payroll Compliance: A recent survey revealed that 50% of businesses encounter payroll discrepancies, often due to incorrect award interpretation and classification. We offer services to address payroll errors through comprehensive audits and informed award interpretation, supporting your efforts to meet government standards.

In 2024, managing workplace responsibilities requires expert guidance. We are here to ease the burden with strategic insights and tailored solutions, making your role as a business manager not just manageable but also more rewarding.

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