Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastYour Return Email *Your Contact Number - PhoneEmploying Entity NameEmploying Entity ABNEmployer AddressEmployee NameEmployee AddressCommencement DatePosition TitleAward (if known)Award Classification Level (if known)Description of Duties (or attach position description)Work Address (if different to Employer Address) Employment StatusFull-TimePart-TimeFixed-TermCasualContract End Date (Fixed-Term only)Weekly Work Hours Days Worked Start Time Finish Time Monday Monday Start TimeMonday Finish TimeTuesday Tuesday Start TimeTuesday Finish TimeWednesday Wednesday Start TimeWednesday Finish TimeThursday Thursday Start TimeThursday Finish TimeFriday Friday Start TimeFriday Finish TimeSaturday Saturday Start TimeSaturday Finish TimeSunday Sunday Start TimeSunday Finish TimeTotal Weekly hoursIs an Individual Flexibility Agreement required for a part-time staff member for fluctuating workdays and hours?YesNoPay CycleWeeklyFortnightlyMonthlyRate of Pay Rate of PayHourWeekMonthAnnum$ AmountAny discretionary monetary benefits?BonusCommissionsAre the following included in the rate of pay: Annual Leave LoadingIncluded in payOn top of the paySuperannuationIncluded in payOn top of the payOvertimeIncluded in payOn top of the payPenalty ratesIncluded in payOn top of the payIs a Company Vehicle Provided?YesNoTick one of the following:Work use onlyReasonable incidental useFull personal useIs a Fuel Card Provided?YesNoTick one of the following:Work use onlyReasonable incidental useFull personal useMobile Phone Allowance?YesNo$ Amount per payVehicle Allowance?YesNo$ Amount per payAny other Allowances? List types and if known, the rate/amountAny Certifications, Permits or Qualifications requiredAny Certification Not ApplicableNot ApplicableIs a Driver's Licence Required?YesNoInclude Non-Solicitation ClausesYesNoProbation Period:6 monthsNoneTermination Notice Period Standard NES Notice, or:How many weeks' noticeIf the employee is under 21 years of age, what is their date of birth?Is the employee on a Work Visa?YesNoOther Information or CommentsNote: A Business 360 Consultant will contact you to confirm the details and your requirements What is the best time for a consultant to call you to confirm any details:Please get in touch with the team at Business 360 at if you need assistance. Submit